All Products forPsychedelic Garden of Mischievous Raccoons



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About the Design

Playful trash pandas let curiosity take them on a trippy, evening romp through a bright psychedelic

jungle of groovy flora and tasty leftovers.

Raccoons in blue with bright eyes are set in brightly colored fauna against a misty, deep purple background. The trippy goth plants take you on a whimsical evening stroll lit by the full moon and crows keep a watchful eye on the comings and goings. Banana peels, tin cans, spilled soda, cold pizza. apple cores, and fish bones become new playthings and a little something to nibble on.

jungle of groovy flora and tasty leftovers.

Raccoons in blue with bright eyes are set in brightly colored fauna against a misty, deep purple background. The trippy goth plants take you on a whimsical evening stroll lit by the full moon and crows keep a watchful eye on the comings and goings. Banana peels, tin cans, spilled soda, cold pizza. apple cores, and fish bones become new playthings and a little something to nibble on.

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