All Products for18" Lush Holly Moody Florals Christmas Bouquets - dark green cabincore



Kitchen & Dining


Living & Decor


About the Design

Nostalgic hand painted vintage christmas branches roses and red berries, Illex on dark christmas

green background,

Enchanting nostalgic vintage pine cone, leaf and berry pattern, perfect for seasonal home decor, autumn and winter DIY, wallpapers, patchwork quilts and other sewing projects The wallpaper is always scaled to the largest possible size. There are even more colour variations or sizes or patterns to mix in this collection I love to see pictures of your creations on Instagram. Please tag me @utart_home and #utart_home on your artwork. Enjoy your creations and thank you for buying!

green background,

Enchanting nostalgic vintage pine cone, leaf and berry pattern, perfect for seasonal home decor, autumn and winter DIY, wallpapers, patchwork quilts and other sewing projects The wallpaper is always scaled to the largest possible size. There are even more colour variations or sizes or patterns to mix in this collection I love to see pictures of your creations on Instagram. Please tag me @utart_home and #utart_home on your artwork. Enjoy your creations and thank you for buying!

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