All Products forGingerdead Men - Spooky Gingerbread Skeletons - White 1.5



Kitchen & Dining


Living & Decor


About the Design

Spooky AND cute Gingerbread men will bring a little wholesome horror to your Christmas!

©Paisley Hansen - You are permitted to sell items you make with this fabric, but please credit me as the designer. More sizes and colors of patterns available in my shop Thank you~! monster, cookies, horror, christmas, creepy, creepmas, yule, skeleton, bones, spooky, gingerbread

©Paisley Hansen - You are permitted to sell items you make with this fabric, but please credit me as the designer. More sizes and colors of patterns available in my shop Thank you~! monster, cookies, horror, christmas, creepy, creepmas, yule, skeleton, bones, spooky, gingerbread

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