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About the Design

Inspired by the story of padded cactus. Padded cactus are a sustainable crop used for food and also

to create vegan leather.

Long ago padded cactus were introduced into Australia in order to farm the bugs that lived on them to produce cochineal. When cochineal could be obtained chemically the need for them stopped but the cactus kept on growing. They were used to fence in cattle but soon they became so prolific they covered an area the size of England. A rather dull moth was brought in to destroy the cactus as their caterpillars loved to feast on them. The moths did an amazing job and destroyed nearly all the cactus. The cactus has long been used as a food source, both the pads and it’s fruit can be eaten. It’s also now being grown in Mexico , it’s native home, to produce vegan leather as it needs no watering so is very sustainable . Sadly these little moths that were brought to Australia have made their way to Mexico and are threatening the farming of this cactus.

to create vegan leather.

Long ago padded cactus were introduced into Australia in order to farm the bugs that lived on them to produce cochineal. When cochineal could be obtained chemically the need for them stopped but the cactus kept on growing. They were used to fence in cattle but soon they became so prolific they covered an area the size of England. A rather dull moth was brought in to destroy the cactus as their caterpillars loved to feast on them. The moths did an amazing job and destroyed nearly all the cactus. The cactus has long been used as a food source, both the pads and it’s fruit can be eaten. It’s also now being grown in Mexico , it’s native home, to produce vegan leather as it needs no watering so is very sustainable . Sadly these little moths that were brought to Australia have made their way to Mexico and are threatening the farming of this cactus.

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